We are organizing a special issue on "New Trends for Optimal Control and Sensitivity Analysis"
for the journal "(DCDS-A) Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems ‐ Series A",
of the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, http://www.aimsciences.org/journals/home.jsp?journalID=1
The special issue will cover a wide range of topics related to control theory including: necessary
and sufficient optimality conditions, sensitivity analysis, perturbed systems, Hamilton-Jacobi theory,
differential games, stability of nonlinear systems, numerical methods for optimal control problems, ...
Participants to the NetCo conference are invited to contribute a paper to this special issue.
The guideline for preparing a paper is available at
- All contributions will pass trough the peer-reviewing process as it is the standard for the DCDS-A journal.
- All papers must be original research of 15 or more final pages, but should not exceed 30 pages.
- Papers for this special issue should be comparable in quality with regular issues of the journal
and submissions are not guaranteed for acceptance.
Important dates : Authors who wnat to contribute to this special issue are kindly asked to send an
email to geditors.dcds@inria.fr at their earliest convenience.
The deadline for submitting a paper is April 30th, 2014 (firm deadline).
(Guest) Editorial Board: Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Lars Grüne, Maria do Rosario de Pinho, Emmanuel Trelat, and Hasnaa Zidani.